Monday, December 6, 2010

Maal Hijrah

Today signify The New Year calender for Muslims around the world. As we celebrated Awal Muharram or Maal Hijrah.Therefore I would like to say Salam Maal Hijrah 1432 Hijrah to all Muslims. Let us migrate to become better this year. InshaAllah.

Maal Hijrah Quick Fact:
  • Hijrah means Migration.
  • Commemorate the migration of The Prophet ppbuh from Mecca to Madinah.Which also reflect the spiritual journey of inner self & deeds.
  • 1432 signify the relevancy of 1432 years of enlightenment through Al-Quran.


Pogo never seize to amaze me with his splice song creations.Whats more to love is that how he managed to compiled part of the clips on the movie in arithmetic yet surreal manner. Still inspiring people with his creation. Here is Whisperlude enjoy:)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yesterday I found this link. It made me smile again this morning just to think how simple stuff can changed our perception little by little. I love google..... and those cute Japanese ladies too:)
credits to Robbin Waldemer


Progress is not necessarily by starting something new. Sometimes the past should be forgiven and life should be continue.Thus reloaded may come into mind.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hand sign not for the deaf

I wished to learn this sooner.

simplicity is beauty

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unimportant update that should be post yesterday

Hey bloggy, I'm back from the dead. Yeah I finished my services on zombie army. Which army you may asked? Why its the most favorable zombie army right now its Plants vs. Zombie.
Indeed we suffer a great lost. Many great zombies fight their best. I even met Bob. He likes reading news papers but a little bit grumpy when his news paper got torn. Owh and Tina was cool too. She used to be an High School record holder for high jumps back at Zombie Academy. Yeap great time time. I don't know weather its me or...maybe its me I seem to have develop some sort of phobia. I even got scare if I see people bringing flowers or just passing by flower shops, going to vegetables section at the markets or going to parks. ahahahah xD

Anyway along the way I have my free times. I seem to have been an addict for Korean music. other than that, there is nothing much to tell. so yeah :D

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Make Use

Hello again.
I think this blog is dead. probably the owner had been into a zombie and joining zombie hordes toward of Zionist or something. Anyway, the owners is not around. I'm just your self residual concept of none existing that starts of only from wishful thinking to create your minimalist happiness out of reading this blog.
never mind that
I like messing around.
I think my mind is not in the right track this days (But my mind is always like that).
Pretty much...
I have been thinking to make used of this coming short semester to the fullest, as I didn't not register any subjects. Again it's a boring pointless talk.
To tell you the truth, I could not express things quite gracefully.
I am sorry for that.

Ok bye...anyway what was I saying?
oh crap!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Atrocious little things

Ok, I really need to lay off my mind. Kalau x macam mane nak achieve 2010 punye list right?
I need a full throttled cleansing and purification pronto! rase2 mane boleh panggil tukang feng shui blog? At least boleh jugak bagi a point or two nak bagi blog ni jadi active and positive balik.

Ke nak buat blog baru? ah sudah tukar punya tukar macam tu jugak. X ber update.Entry pon hampeh.I need something fresh. Maybe in time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meticulous Desire I have to acquire

Nothing special happen this day. Right now I'm using the IIUM wireless network just to kill time. In front of my desk are a bunch of Arabs/Middle east people you may call are posing and snapping pictures. My life can't get any ennui than this.Even so, Those people are having a great time. "Fun" yes "fun". the jealousy is overwhelming. It does make me realize something though. How people like them who are indeed a far from their homeland but can still enjoy such a common scenery.I bet each of them barely known each other.

Maybe the jealousy deep inside of me longing to be part of something.The clouds are getting dark. thundering tempo shroud the, I really need to get a life or at least a bit of spice and happiness in my life. I desire something. Something big.I don't want to go back after this jump into bed then wake up again.that's boring.I wished I have more friends, more interesting people to meet,more enchanting experience. Along the way I wish to have abundance both physically,emotionally,mentally,knowledge and money.

Apart from that, the love life that I always wanted is far out of sight.An outrage I would say. I am falling into a slump here. I am indeed in voracious state.I want everything!
Love life that is harmonious where are you now?

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 will make a difference?

Well I don't like to make new years list and achievements. But I will do this though. I will be a better person InsyaAllah. Amin :-)
May you guys prosper with abundance this year.